Hello Amazing Souls,
How are you feeling today? What are you grateful for in this very moment? I am grateful for the ability to be writing these words to you, in hopes that they make a difference for the better.
I am excited to announce that sliding scale pricing is now available. I feel having the sliding scale is about making this opportunity available to those who really need it — and to those who can give more, they are welcome to do so.
I am feeling called this month to write about energy and power. On this path of self-discovery, with the awareness and curiosity around what I invest my time into or focus on, I like to ask, ‘Is it giving me more energy and power, or is it depleting?’
This takes presence and focus to really feel the answer. Sometimes, it is really obvious — and sometimes it isn’t. Like when you have a conversation with someone, and afterwards you feel really tired and drained… that is obvious. Then there are those moments when it feels like you are riding a roller coaster of emotions over an extended period, because it takes time to process and tune into how you are really feeling about life and get clarity. This can be very exhausting, and then you wonder why you are so tired all the time, grumpy, irritated, overly sensitive, or have a hard time sleeping.
A lot of this occurs due to our thoughts and perceptions of situations. The way we respond is based on our programming, thoughts, beliefs, habits, awareness, neuro-associations, the need to avoid pain, or the desire to gain pleasure. Another way we respond is based on whether we are in a fight-or-flight state. Being in a chronic state of stress depletes our energy and has negative impacts on our overall wellness, like creating more self-doubt, procrastination, burnout symptoms, struggles with comparison, difficulty focusing, taking care of yourself, strong inner critic, can’t put your phone down, difficulty being in the present moment, can’t leave work at work, etc. All of these things decrease our energy and power.
“Nothing not serving you can withstand Oxygen, Love, Light and Power.”
I am reading and studying many things at the moment, and I am going to share a few things that stand out — but in my own words. Some of these things are taken from Tony Robbins’ Personal Power YouTube 30-day program, and also The Let Them Theory, which I am finding so fascinating and highly recommend both.
Our energy and vitality stems from having a healthy nervous system. Living in a fight-or-flight state means that the Amygdala part of the brain, which is the size of an almond, deep in the middle part of our brain (commonly known as the reptilian brain) plays the role of stress response, keeping us safe and in a fight-or-flight state, ready for the attack. In this state, we feel rushed, impulsive, out of control, we panic, make rash decisions, etc. I was once told by a very wise person to never make any decisions or actions until you are in a calm state. When we are in a calm state, it means our pre-frontal cortex is at play. We feel peace, we get to choose what we want to say or do from a calm place, we respond in a way that works well overall. I feel it is important to understand how this all works so that when we are in it, and feeling it all happening, we know how to work through it. This increases our power and energy.
There are some very simple techniques to get yourself out of the fight-or-flight stress response quite quickly. I know — sometimes it is easier said than done. However, they work. The best way to calm yourself when in a stress response is to understand what it is that you are going through. Say, “Let Them,” and by saying that, you acknowledge what you cannot control. It instantly takes the edge off, calms the body and brain, and you are back in control and can regain your power. There is space for you to decide if an email, text or conversation is worthy of your attention, or hijacking you emotionally. Once you calm down, take some deep breaths — by breathing fully and feeling the air expand your belly, it stimulates the Vagus Nerve, which sends a message to your brain, saying, “We can calm down.’” Yayyyyy!
I don’t know about you, but for me, I feel like these simple things that are so obvious still land newly all the time. I am steadily growing in emotional intelligence, because it hasn’t come naturally for me. I really admire people who just have that gift of managing their emotions so calmly and peacefully. Isn’t it so amazing that we have so many people out there writing books, sharing their knowledge, so we get to learn? We also get to learn from powerful animal and plant teachers too!