Iboga Journey Canada offers additional services to help you on your earthly Journey. Most of the services can be arranged to coincide with your Iboga Journey.
Iboga Journey Canada offers additional services to help you on your earthly Journey. Most of the services can be arranged to coincide with your Iboga Journey.
Complementary Group Zoom:
Every three weeks.
Complementary Peer Sharing:
We have a private telegram channel that you will be invited to after you complete a service with Iboga Journey. You can form a new tribe and share your experience with other souls that have participated in events from Iboga Journey.
Complementary Group Integration
We organize weekly group integration sessions online. This provides an opportunity to share with your peers about your integration.
Private Integration Sessions
We offer pre and post integration support with specialised facilitators which are included with your 3 day retreat booking. Or you can book privately if you just need support.
Pre-Iboga Ceremony Kambo Session
Kambo is an Amazonian Tree Frog that excretes a liquid with 16 bioactive peptides. The peptides are exceptionally healing for the body. Kambo assists the body with homeostasis (balance). It helps the body activate all the body systems to purge toxins, chemicals, emotional/physical trauma, and much more. Kambo works synergistically with Iboga to increase your electromagnetic field to go deeper with Iboga.
Private Alternative Medicine Session:
Typically, alternative medicines are offered once a month in a group session. Facilitators work with different medicines and can facilitate private one day sessions. Please email for further details.
Private Iboga Journey Sessions:
Typically, a session is held with a group size of five to eight participants. Private sessions for up to two people can be arranged at flexible times. Please email for further details.