
What Are Healthy Attachments?

Great day amazing peeps , 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this newsletter — and thank you so much for your belief in me. Your trust in me, with referring your loved ones, touches my heart in such a deep way. I’m deeply humbled and full of gratitude. 

I would like to write about attachments. I feel like I’m only just beginning to understand and feel what it is like to have beautiful healthy attachments in relating to others.  Thinking of the word attachment, I have felt that it is some form of control or grip on something that may not always be helpful, or nourishing. Like being so attached to something that it would be devastating to lose it. With expansive understanding comes clarity with what isn’t a healthy attachment, which is what I’ve experienced most of my life. 

I feel that when we first arrive into this world and we don’t experience a healthy attachment with our parents, and Gabor Mate speaks a lot about this, it leaves us in a nervous system dysregulation state. We don’t get to feel emotional safety, and that attachment can feel intense, fueled by anxiety or longing. We grow up thinking it’s normal, and we live in a fear state of rejection or abandonment. This connection may mimic love, because it stirs powerful emotions, but it’s rooted in insecurity rather than mutual care. Without emotional safety — trust, vulnerability, and acceptance — the relationship becomes more about craving validation or avoiding loneliness than experiencing true intimacy or healthy attachment and  vulnerability. We may ignore red flags or excuse harmful behaviors, confusing the emotional highs and lows for passion. True love, however, is built on a foundation of safety and respect, where both people feel seen and supported. Without this, attachment becomes a source of pain, not love.   I grew up believing that love is pain, and I continued to attract people and situations that recreated that belief.  

This is such an eye opener for me, in that I get to see these aspects in myself and how I have played these roles of seeking validation outside of myself due to my insecurities and loneliness. This is an endless pit of need, which leads to endless suffering, poor choices and massive energy leaks. Becoming prey to situations by giving away my power and lack of belief in myself. Can any of you relate to this? At the end of the day, if the person, place or thing doesn’t feel good… then it is a no in that moment. Feelings can also change, and maybe you will feel differently a day later. 

And here is the great news, once we see all of this about ourselves, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and there are huge possibilities of creating healthy attachments to amazing people who add energy and vitality to your life. I’m sure you have a few of those in your life. These are the individuals with whom you feel at home, and when the visit is over, you feel inspired and full of gratitude that you got to spend time with them.  You feel like a better person, as they bring out the best in you and you to them. So when I really stepped up and took responsibility for my life, some friends fell away and new ones came in. It’s all about vibration. If you want to see where you are at vibrationally, take a look at who you spend your time with. Take a look or feel of how it feels in your body when you are around others. Are you in a constant state of being triggered? Annoyed? Frustrated? Or are you in a grounded, loving place in full acceptance of what is? Do you feel at home in your body? 

I have to share about two amazing individuals that I was able to really feel healthy attachments to, particularly in the male department. I have been blessed to have incredible female friends/sisters. When I signed up for a Unity Craft high dose mushroom experience, it was with a man named Greg. I was grateful, as I wanted to have a very vulnerable experience with a healthy masculine. During this experienced I welcomed in Greg’s healthy masculine energy into my heart, and I feel that this planted a seed to attracted this healthy vibration attachment down the road. With Greg, I felt supported, cared for, seen and heard without judgement, which imprinted safety and security. The next amazing person whom I absolutely love and adore is my beloved brother Vinod. He is from India, and he stayed at my home for two months.  We developed an incredible brother/sister attachment that I have never experienced before. Initially it was a bit bumpy for me to trust fully, as I was suspicious. However, I trusted like never before — and wow, did I ever get the most profound gift of relating to a man. It is possible to have this type of relationship with a man, built on trust, love, support, unconditional love and respect. He is now back in India, and we message pretty much daily, and it’s such a joy to hear from him and his beautiful family. I missed him dearly when he left, I felt very sad, and at the same time, my heart was filled with gratitude for having this experience with him. This is just the beginning of creating an even deeper connection in a expansive way. The time I got to spend with him was so additive in that I felt even better after our interactions. A beautiful flow of energy that enhances both of our lives. This is what healthy attachments and relating is all about.  Love is not self-serving or taking. It is about giving authentically without expecting anything in return. 

Let’s say yes to more high vibration relating and attachments. Yes to more love, more peace, more vitality, more success, more financial abundance, more compassion, more understanding, more gratitude, more beauty and most importantly, more YOU being YOU.

Happy Belated Thanks Giving! Would love to hear back from you about all the things you are grateful for. Gratitude fuels amazing energy! Try it daily and watch your life change.  

Much love to you all, and thank you for reading.



Next retreats:

Oct 18,19,20 – 1 spot left

Nov 15,16,17 – 3 spots left

Dec 6,7,8 – lots of room

2025 retreats coming soon

Private Kambo, Jaguar + Bufo sessions are always available, please reach out for more information by booking a consultation via the website.


Mark your calendars for an incredible talk coming up, focused on protocols that eradicate blocks within the mind, body and spirit and support the ascension process. We will be discussing a specific parasite detox, while simultaneously re-nutrifying and rebalancing the body to its highest state.

Zoom Call

Thursday Oct 24, 7 pm MST

The Synergy of Balance: A Human Ascension Protocol

Hosted by Treena + Deena

Zoom invite to follow

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