
Thought Vs Intuition



How do we know the difference between Thought and Intuition?

Great Day Amazing Peeps, 

I’m feeling called to write about safe spaces. This not only includes psychedelic experiences, it also includes how safe you feel inside of yourself, your home, your friendships, your work and your overall relation to the world. 

Regarding choosing a person to provide an experience and creating your own safe space to work with Psychedelics, here is something to inquire about:

When we go to a retreat,  we always want to know if the person or people holding space has experience taking the medicine, what their background is, what their reputation is, what it’s like taking the medicine, what is the integration like, are there legitimate testimonials, etc. When having that initial consult with the person you are considering sitting with, what is your intuition telling you? Please listen to that, as it’s your gift of knowing what is best for you. 


“Relentlessly follow your intuition. Build with people who also love to grow. Take responsibility for your healing. Love yourself so deeply that you feel at home in your own body and mind. ”

Yung Pueblo


Why is it different with medical doctors and prescribing medications? We blindly accept what the doctor says when they haven’t experienced the drug they are prescribing. Are they forthcoming with side effects, and what it’s like getting off of the drugs they prescribe? Do you ask? I feel that education is super important. Before committing to taking a drug that is recommended to treat a symptom, why not explore other possibilities first? Ask the questions, ‘Why am I having these symptoms? What is the root cause of this symptom?’ We place doctors in a hierarchy and blindly trust because society says it’s okay. Sometimes it works out, and many other times, not so much. Is this safe? Take your healing into your own hands instead of having blind faith based on what the masses do. 

Being curious about yourself and your life is so important. Is it your home environment making you sick? Your job? Your partner? Are you self-soothing to numb your pain with drugs, alcohol, sex, shopping, eating? I understand you may be in a very difficult place, and it’s hard to really see the truth because we are attached to an outcome, or we are so afraid we may lose everything if we surrender to the truth of the situation. I can promise you that when you commit to the truth and take that first step towards it, your life will change for the better. It may not feel like it in the process, but it will in the end. 

The first step is taking accountability for everything in your life. You are responsible for everything that is happening in your world. Yes, you have this much power!!! No one else is to blame for your life — that is the victim speaking. Yes, shitty things can happen, but it is all  happening for you to grow and learn. When you are in victim and blaming everyone and everything else for your problems, there is no room for success or peace. It’s all doom and gloom. I know this because I have been there. Take a look at your life. What’s happening? This is a window and doorway into what is happening inside of you. When we live in victimhood, it’s not a safe place to be. We are in a constant state of survival, waiting for the next shit bomb to drop. Not trusting life or ourselves. We have abandoned ourselves, judged ourselves, live in regret, shame, and guilt. That is pure hell. You are not safe to yourself or others around you. What does that feel like? Your body, mind and soul knows.

In order to have an amazing life, to feel safe, peaceful and in love, it is our responsibility to feel our feelings without judgement or making them wrong. This is self love. Who cares what others say or do — what matters the most is how YOU feel about it. Those feelings or thoughts could feel pretty fucked up, and that’s ok. (That is a perception in that moment, and not even true, the only thing that is true, is love). 

What I have learned is that any thought that creates suffering, separation, disruption and judgement is not your intuition. Your intuition brings you closer to love and peace.  Intuition also responds in a gentle and kind way.  Well with that being said, sometimes your intuition is bang on when you want to tell someone to get the fuck out of your life. Discernment is key here. 

Get curious (intuition) about yourself and how you are feeling instead of thinking (thoughts) something is wrong with you and you need to fix it. (Needing to fix and do is an endless pit of suffering). This then spills over into your life, your body and mind.  

Self Love is what matters the most. A lightbulb came on pretty strongly for me recently regarding wellness in all aspects. We are all made up of energy. My thoughts have a huge influence on how I interact with myself and the world. It doesn’t matter how healthy I eat, the vitamins I take, how much I work out, when I think terrible thoughts about myself and life, I am making myself sick. Gahhhh. It’s seems so simple — and somehow it doesn’t always feel easy.  


“The beauty of intuition is that, if you listen, it will push you to grow.”

Yung Pueblo


So what is possible? The past doesn’t exist, nor does the future. All we have is NOW. So if we really get curious about this — holy shit, everything just melts away. We focus on what is happening in this very moment. Pay attention to what is surrounding us. What sounds are happening? What are we feeling in our body at this very moment? How can I be more loving to myself in this very moment? What do I love to do? There is nothing holding us back when we live in the present. The past can’t touch us, or the future. We get to dream again, feel, and see the miracles of the moment.  

Nothing is diminished — everything is enhanced with clarity. Your self awareness gets enhanced, your sense of sight looks outside and inside at the same time. Like a summer shower, everything looks cleaner. The last moment of ignorance is the first moment of realization. What is happening? Does something fall away? Everything drops into the light of the self. Happiness gets to override all the problems in life, as they never go away. You can still be happy amidst the challenges of life. How does this feel? Safe and calm? This is the Truth!

Much love and appreciation for all of you, and thank you for taking the time to read this.




Upcoming Retreats: 

April 26, 27, 28 — Spots Available

May 3, 4, 5 — Spots Available


Private Kambo, Jaguar and Kambo/Jaguar duo sessions are available (an amazing tune-up). Please email or book a consult on the website




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