
Take a Moment to Honour You

Hello Amazing Peeps, 

How are you feeling today? How is your heart feeling? Do you know the difference between actually feeling through the heart, vs thinking about how you are feeling? 

I had an experience recently that I imagined a feeling to communicate with someone vs actually feeling. I was actually numb, and had to think about what I could/should be feeling in this circumstance. After speaking with my pattern coach, Ginny, she pointed to this, and I was surprised and grateful to see it. We then dug into the numbness, and it revealed some unprocessed emotions, thoughts and feelings that I had no idea were there. I had to get really honest with myself and Ginny, and  truly share what was being revealed — and it was not pretty. I let the words out that I was feeling and thinking, and I will tell you what the words were. ‘What a piece of shit.’ These were thoughts about my dad, who was a drunk and would drink so heavily that he would pee himself. How embarrassing. The years of carrying unprocessed verbal and emotional abuse, shame, and embarrassment around created a numbness, a protection mechanism that was now ready to been seen and heard.  


“One thing is a fact. The events of your life are created by you, and those events come to you through your feelings.”

Stuart Wilde


With this numbness, I was prevented from feeling anything until a life experience pointed to it. I’m so grateful that I’m open and willing to look at these things. It takes so much courage to be honest with yourself and with others about how you are truly feeling. The fear of vulnerability and exposure of looking bad can really prevent us from living an authentic life.  

Just prior to this revealing gem of numbness, I verbalized to a friend while singing at a coffee shop that I actually don’t care what people think. He said, that’s a powerful place to be. Then, as life shows up for me to practice not caring about others thoughts, beliefs and opinions of me, I got to reveal to Ginny and myself that I thought my dad was a piece of shit. Lol. Just blown away by this, and beyond grateful. I felt so free and light after discovering this. Life does really look after me, I just have to be open, curious, and trust. 

Now with all this being said, do you take the time to pause and celebrate these little/big wins in your life? Do you honour how far you have come by reflecting on moments of your life, ways of being, parts of you that supported you along the way? Reflecting on all the things you have accomplished to be who you are today? The ways in which you gracefully navigated parts of your life that were extremely difficult? It is so easy to point out the ways in which you didn’t handle things so gracefully, and you can love those parts too.  


“Your self love is a medicine for the earth.”

Yung Pueblo


In honour of this newsletter, I’m blessing all parts of myself that assisted me with getting to where and who I am today. I bow my head and honour all of those neglected, abandoned, unloved parts that I have shamed and believed that I was not enough. I forgive myself for enmeshing myself in other people’s dreams by neglecting my own. I forgive myself for hurting others and ask for forgiveness.  

I honour you, who is reading these words, and I wish the same for you to honour YOU — as it’s the greatest gift to yourself and the world. Please take a moment and revel in your successes and your juicy parts. Even for a minute. I would love to hear about what you want to celebrate and the way in which you celebrate.  

Here is some amazing information on Magnesium that I came across and felt compelled to share — as Magnesium deficiency is definitely a thing, and most of us have it, including myself.


Top 10 Magnesium Facts

  1. Mg is necessary for the proper functioning of 700-800 enzyme systems in the body.  
  2. Most people (70-80%) are mg deficient.
  3. Calcium depletes mg in the body and many people get too much calcium, either as supplements, in fortified foods, or in dairy products.
  4. Mg is deficient in the soil and in the food supply, so it must be supplemented.
  5. Therapeutic doses of mg are impossible to obtain in those who suffer a laxative effect before their symptoms can be relieved. There are non-laxative forms on Amazon: https://a.co/d/bMfwmXX and https://a.co/d/2cnv8Vl
  6. Mitochondrial dysfunction is no longer a mystery. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) energy molecules are made in the mitochondria via the Krebs Cycle. Six of the eight steps in that cycle depend on mg. 
  7. To help you identify your mg needs, here is a book I recommend: The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn Dean 
  8. The definitive test that would tell you your mg levels, the ionized magnesium blood test is not available to the public. In this book there are suggestions to find out your mg levels.
  9. Mg deficiency is a major factor in chronic disease — diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and heartburn. The drugs used to treat all of these conditions deplete mg, often making symptoms worse.
  10. Telomeres, which are components of chromosomes, hold the key to aging, as does mg, which prevents telomeres from deteriorating.  

 I found this information to be so helpful and I hope you do, too. I honestly did not realize how important Magnesium is.  

Thank you for reading, and I am wishing you a beautiful day. So much love and gratitude for you all.




Upcoming Retreats

Dec 6, 7, 8 – 2 Spots Available

Jan 3, 4, 5 – Possibly on the Island (Nanaimo)

Feb 1, 2, 3 – Spots Available



Take your healing to a whole new level with The Kambo Self-Application 3-Day Course. Inquire via email at ibogajourney@protonmail.com


Private Kambo, Jaguar + Bufo sessions are always available, please reach out for more information by booking a consultation via the website.






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