Happy December amazing peeps!!
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. This one is more of personal nature, hope you get a chuckle and get more of an idea about me.
Life has been quite a journey thus far, and especially since purchasing IbogaJourney and stepping into this role. I am extremely humbled to witness the courage and vulnerability of others doing this work, and at the same time, really appreciating myself even more for getting to be where I am today. A dark and enlightening road of blood, sweat, tears, laughing, shock, terror, anxiety, peace and farts mixed all together — lol!
Thank god for the laughter of farts. Since childhood, that was the thing that would always make me laugh. I find myself quite often, when winding down at night, turning my brain off, watching fart videos and also funny animal videos. When hosting retreats I have to hold back laughter when someone pukes and farts at the same time (yes that’s also been me in that role) hahahahah. Ok — so now you know that about me.
Your healing is my healing, and my healing is your healing. It’s such a win-win scenario bursting on so many levels. (Oh I guess that means your fart is my fart…..ok….enough about farts. I’m okay as long as they don’t smell bad….then it’s awful . Isn’t fart such funny word too?)